What Yoga Day is This?

It has been an EXTREMELY long time since I've posted about my yoga journey into ashtanga. The reason being I actually have not done an asana session in at least 2 weeks if not more. I know, I know...It's horrible. I'm completely failing on the whole "practice and all is coming" mentality, but to my credit my life has been chaotic and very demanding over the past few weeks. I had to struggle to finish the five chapters of my thesis while studying for the TExES exams so I can teach elementary school in Texas, fly out to Texas from Wyoming to take those exams, pack up my life (i.e. my room, bathroom, 2 closets and kitchen space) in 2 days, attend various end of school/graduation events and still...I don't know...live. I'm honestly not trying to make excuses, but it just got hard trying to maintain a balance and stick to my asana practice with all of that going on. I was completely freaking out about EVERYTHING. I had to let something go.

But don't fear, I've kick started my asana practice again....this morning I mean ;-) I did have to make myself get on the mat...I almost rationalized not getting on because I need to fill out and submit job applications. But  I got on.....and it was horrible. My body felt...funky and weird and tight and stiff and unyielding. My downward dog was not relaxing...it was freaking hard to hold up today. I was sweating and everything just felt completely off. My breath was okay...it wasn't fast and racing, luckily. I was still able to manage and pick up where I left off with 5 sets of Surya Namaskar A and 1 set of Surya Namaskar B. Needless to say I was almost worn out when I finished, but not to worn out that I couldn't do my C25K workout (another post on that later), but after that the arms and legs were like noodles. I pushed them all they could this morning, but I'm glad I did. 

Hopefully now that my plate has been reduced to nothing but thesis revisions and job searching, I can do better with developing and maintaining a daily asana routine and posting about it ;-)....Wish me luck!


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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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