Day 27/ Day 2

My soreness is back, but its different this time. My flow into poses and settlement into them doesn't feel as off as it did on the first day. But I had to work much harder this time especially with my arms. For some reason, they seem extremely heavy and burdensome. It's harder for me to keep myself in downward dog. 

I have to work harder to keep myself strong and grounded in each pose. I wonder if this is representative of life. If in order to stay grounded and stable, you must constantly work for it. It's not something that you achieve once and remains with you. It's a continual act of effort. Similar to what individuals say about being happy. Its not something that comes as a result of being in the "perfect" place at the "perfect" time, rather you have to choose to be happy and constantly strive for it. The same applies to strength and stability I guess. In the beginning, you must constantly work and strive for these values, if they mean that much to you. Crazy how much a few poses can spark in you, huh? This is what I love about yoga. Regardless if it's the actual poses or if the poses release some sort of chemical substance in my body or  if its all psychosomatic or what, but I love what practicing yoga does to me and the realizations I gain from it. 


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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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