Time For My First Dreams Entry!

I  included "dream" in the title of this blog, because it is something that I do like....ALL THE TIME! Whether it is actively dreaming akin to daydreaming or passive and they just come to me. Dreaming is like thinking for me it never stops ;-) Now that I a huge chapter of my life is coming to a close (schooling and finally receiving my last degree WOOHOO), I began wondering how and when should I start making my dreams come true and which ones. And I know the obvious answer is NOW! But I want to be smart and realistic about it. Especially my dream of founding my own non-profit. It inspired me to write this very blog. Someone I know actually started a non-profit and I had no idea she had until I starting going through her blog today and it got me to thinking when should I start mine? HOW do I start mine? 

I know I want it to center around yogic principles and the yogic system while also empowering minority youth and women, but how do I go about it? Should I be a dedicated practitioner for years or at least a few months before I begin? Should I become a certified yoga instructor? How do I develop a board of trustees? How do I get funding? WHEN SHOULD I START? Should I wait until I've been settled for a year or should I truly start now? I have no idea, but I can't shake this feeling that whatever I'm mean to do in life is brewing now. I can't help but feel that I'm at some sort of crossroads, a turning point...no not turning point but decision point?!?!? or a HUGE point in my life where my actions will severely determine where and how my next steps are directed. 

Regardless of what step I take, I want my dreams to manifest into reality. My non-profit, my yogini dreams, my spiritual dreams, my travel dreams, my fun dreams ;-), my volunteering dreams, my making huge impact dreams, my crazy out of this world dreams.  I want to make them come true...all of them. 


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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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