Baby Steps...

This quote sums up exactly how I'm feeling at the moment with the exception of pretty darn happy and proud of myself ;-)

I started my ashtanga journey way back in March of 2013 and it has been a constant struggle, mainly mentally, to be consistent with my asana practice. 

I started off with such enthusiasm and an "amazing" I thought. But nothing has panned out. I had grad school to finish, then teaching academies, then finding a job, and then maintaining a job. I used these and others as excuses. I made excuse after excuse as to why I couldn't, shouldn't and just flat out wouldn't practice. 

I've been consistent for the past 3 days. While I know this is in no way a major feat, in so many ways it is for me. For the first time today, I overcame my usual excuses of "no the best time to practice yoga is in the morning" and "but I'm so hungry, I will get dizzy and fall." I came home, made me a post yoga raspberry, peach and mango protein smoothie, went upstairs put on my yoga clothes, stepped on my mat, invoked the opening chant and commenced my asana practice. 

For the first time in over 8 months, excuses had no grip on me. And it felt good, like on a deeper level good. And I was reminded of the subtle calm and peace that comes over me after a session (no matter what time of the day it is ;-). The feeling that drew me to yoga in the first place and probably is the undercurrent that keeps bringing me back. 

So today, I celebrate my small baby step towards consistency with the hopes and intention that there will be many more...


  1. It feels so good when you overcome those excuses right. Stupid things we make up for ourselves but we have to be stronger than our excuses and just do it. Don't think but just do it :-)
    Now, for me going to class every day is easy because I have the time, but when we will move on with our travels, I have to practice next to our camper van, in a hotel room etc.. Something I'm already not looking forward to.. So I guess I will experience the process you describe here as well in a few weeks. Let's keep each other motivated :-D x

  2. It really does, especially when the only person you're accountable to is yourself. For some reason, it's so much easier to rationalize not doing something when it's only yourself and harder to do something when it is only yourself. Hopefully that made sense ;-) But as far as your move that is going to be tough. I'm getting nervous about my practice during a little 4 day trip I'm taking. But I think if we can reach down and remember why we started this journey and what keeps bringing us back then we should be okay. We can definitely keep each other motivated. I will keep watching out for new posts on your blog to do just that!



About Me

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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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