Back At It...

In high school, I was very physically active. I ran track and I lifted. And yes I mean weight lifted. I took my school's weightlifting class and loved it. I was even asked to begin training to compete but I chose not too as weightlifting is supposed to be a "man's" sport. As with most of us, life gets in the way after we graduate. Somehow, someway our minds, whether through our own accord, society or a combination of both, we make the switch into adulthood and think as adults do. I need to make money, I need to get a house, I need to make money...I need to make money. And we begin to lose sight of ourselves and what made us so happy and carefree when we were younger. 

We become stressed out, our metabolism slows, our physical activity becomes virtually nonexistent and we make gains as in weight gains. We forget to take care of ourselves, or perhaps we never learned how to take care of ourselves holistically. We learn to brush our teeth, wash our face, take a shower or bath, put on lotion, brush our hair, but where do we learn to take care of our need to rest, eat healthy and maintain a physically active lifestyle. No where, unless your parents are like superstars and workout themselves and pass this on to you. In the states, this is supposed to take places in P.E. or physical education, but we know this DOES NOT happen.

As a 20-something years old, single, child-free woman, I'm looking to change all this and start to take care of myself NOW, cultivate healthy habits before my bad habits of gourmet popcorn, french fries and ice cream sandwich binging get the best of me later in life.  I'm choosing to do this now because NOW is truly all we have. As children we don't think about this, we have no reason to. We take time for granted and think we will always have it. As you get older and the days pass by faster and faster, you truly do come to understand that life is way too short, but also life, your human life, is way to precious to be filled with dirt, clutter and just all out mess, You learn that you have to savor every moment and take care of it like you would a newborn baby. The same is to be applied to our bodies. It is what houses us, what allows us to walk to move, to flow through life. It protects us, saves us, fights for us, helps us to see and understand the world around us. We realize or at least most of us, that our bodies are more than just skin and organs, our bodies are temples. Sacred spaces that house the most sacred of entities, US. We must take care of them and one of the easiest ways to do that without additives and chemicals is physical activity and diet. 

I'm taking my summer to cultivate the habits needed to take care of my temple, which in turn means betterment for my beautiful life. 

Will you do the same?


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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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