Musical Expression: Stumbling Block...*2010 Post*

So I have run into a slight problem with my quest of playing the guitar. I found me a beautiful acoustic bright blue Squire. I looked up where I could find lessons. Picked a good music company and then researched the instructors available to me. I actually went ahead and picked out a cool instructor. One that was influenced heavily by reggae and young enough to relate to me. I even contacted the company and set a date to begin my journey....

But I forgot one major thing...REALITY!

I was getting so lost in my dreams and being set on fulfilling that I lost sight of necessity. Necessity that has been imposed on me (we'll get into that statement another time). 

I didn't realize it until.after my dad pointed out to me that I needed to be focused on getting my car fixed. At first, I thought oh it can get fixed later and then moments late I realised that's what I said when I got paid the first time. 

One must be smart when following their dreams. You can't just get so caught up that you forget about the things that you have to do because one day they will keep you from being able follow your dreams.

There must always be a balance in everything you do!!!

So instead of starting my lessons during the week of the 12th like I had planned. I have decided to start my official lessons a month late and get my car fixed. But in the mean time buy me a beginners book. The person I bought the guitar from said there was a particular young man that has great videos that had close ups of finger placement and such for beginners. So I'm going to see if I can find him or some other YouTube vids to get me going. 

Isn't that a good start to finding a balance???

*Originally posted on my LightofManjusha blog on July 1, 2010.


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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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