
I am proud to announce that as of December 14, 2013 I have completed my first full 6 days/week ashtanga home practice. I had to break the Saturday rest rule to do so (as I had taken my day of rest that Thursday prior ;-). I also had to let go of my superficial aversion of practicing in the evening. One of the other excuses I made for myself when rationalizing whether or not to practice was that "real yogis" practice in the early morning hours of the morning. While it has been stated by other yogis and great sages that the pre-dawn hours have the best energy, I've come to accept that while this may be the idyllic timing, it is not the idyllic timing for myself or other sincere spiritual seekers. I've come to accept and be content with practicing in the evening hours when I have the time to practice as I want, to listen to my body when it says take extra breaths, to heed when my muscles say relax slow down. Instead of rushing and pushing through as fast as I can because I have 20 minutes before it's time for me to be to work. So for now at least, even though I prefer starting my day with yoga, the evening works for me and helps me to enjoy the rest of my day and sleep peacefully.

Needless to say this past week has been re-affirming to say the least. Along with accepting my current practice for what it is and when it is, for the first time, I picked something that I truly wanted to do, set my own schedule, decided what to do and not to do and kept my own self motivated. I haven't done that truly do something for myself and by myself in.....forever.

Everything I've done or at least 96.7% of what I've done most of my life has been influenced or dictated by someone else whether it was societal norms, my parents, friends, supposed friends, teachers, co-workers, family or other spiritual seekers. I did this for myself, because I and I alone wanted to do this for me. I didn't choose ashtanga because anyone told me to do so. I didn't choose because anyone I knew was practicing it. It came of my own research, choice and attraction. Sorry, if I am going overboard, but I'm finally realizing what's so rewarding about accomplishing something on your own.

So needless to say I'm proud and very happy with myself and can't help but feel like things will be different....are different...this go around then with any other attempt I've made to be consistent. I can't quite put it into words, but its like a light switch has been flipped and my constant droning of "I'm tired of feeling like this" has finally been manifested into action, into real life, visible actions on a  regular basis...for a week ;-).

My current home practice consists of Surya Namaskara A and B of the Ashtanga Primary Series, Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose), Padahastasana (Hands-to-Feet Pose), Utthita Trikonasana/Trikonasana A (Extended Triangle Pose) and Parivrtta Trikonasana/Trikonasana B. I have only added Parivrtta Trikonasana after completing my first full week of traditional ashtanga practice.

I did so for two reasons. One, I felt like it was time to move forward and progress with my practice (especially seeing as though I'm shooting to go to Mysore next summer). I've been completing Surya Namaskara A and B for quite a while now and holding myself back out of fear which I wrote about here. I don't want to be afraid anymore. I want to realize my true, full and inner strength and I can't do so if I continually do what feels comfortable, what feels easy to me. Two, everyone I've asked has instructed me to complete the full primary series on a regular basis, instead of one pose at a time. So I've instead come up with the master plan, that I will at minimum complete the poses listed above every day, 6 days a week and on days when I have time I will complete the entire primary series as best I can.

I've also decided to travel to Dallas every Sunday to attend the only and closest Mysore class available to me. I attended my first class this past Sunday and loved it. I hope to blog about it soon. This will and is good for me as I'm able to see others on their mat at all stages and foster a sense of community which I think is so needed on any spiritual journey.

After Mysore class, I introduced myself to another student. During the course of our conversation she asked me if I've noticed a difference a growth if you will in my practice. I took a moment to think, like truly think instead of spitting anything out to make myself look good or make myself look like a poor lost soul. Then I realized that I have noticed a difference. Mainly being that Surya Namaskara B no longer takes me as long nor does it wear me out as much. I mean it still takes a lot of mental effort, but its no longer the BIG, HAIRY, MONSTER  of a beast that it used to be. So I could honestly and sincerely tell her, "Yes...Yes I have noticed a difference." Once I did, all I could do was smile at her and at myself and probably smiling with my belly too (that's for all my EPL fans out there ;-). 

So to wrap up....

My current home practice takes only about 30 minutes including Surya Namaskara A and B of the Ashtanga Primary Series, Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose), Padahastasana (Hands-to-Feet Pose), Utthita Trikonasana/Trikonasana A (Extended Triangle Pose) and Parivrtta Trikonasana/Trikonasana B occurring 5 days a week Monday-Friday and Sunday Mysore classes with the complete Primary Series.  And for kicks here are a few picks that I took of my practice during my first full week:


Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog)

The little yoga space I've created in my room...

Finishing Posture Half Lotus (for me ;-), reciting the closing ashtanga chant...

Forward Bend....

Another angle of Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), but with 
my actual dog.

An act of surrendering to what it is on and off the mat. Child's Pose...

And I couldn't leave out a pic of my vision board. I made this

 the Saturday before I started my full 6 days/week practice.

 I won't say definitively that it works 100%, but I think it's 

important to note that I did complete something I've been

 struggling with for months after making it. Just saying ;-)

Oh and I created an instagram. I post pics of my practice

 daily or at least every time I practice on there. So check me

 out @aspiringtobe_me...



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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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