3 Weeks!

*This is a pic of the space I've been practicing
in for the past 2 days.

As of today at 8:34am, December 28, 2013, I have officially completed 3 weeks of a consistent 6 days per week ashtanga practice at home. It's crazy to think and actually realize that I've been so dedicated to getting on mat day after day. Even this morning, I started to rationalize not getting on mat as I'm out of town visiting with family that I haven't seen in years.

Thoughts of "oh your breathing will be to loud" and "reciting the mantras will bother them" and "I might wake them up" and even worse "You've been doing good so far take a break. It is Saturday, technically, you should be resting anyway." But seeing as though I had taken my rest at the beginning of the week, I couldn't really use that. But it wasn't that that pulled me to the mat. Instead, it was the idea that I was doing this for something bigger. The idea that I was doing my practice not only to benefit myself, but others, in particular, my Arkansas family.

Being here for just 3 days, I've noticed both how happy, strong and merry they are, but also how much further they have to go. We all live our lives for the most separate and distant from each other and with that have our own personal problems to go with them. While no one voiced it, I could sense it through out our conversations. I know I can't tell them what they should do with their life, as I cannot change them, force them to anything, all I can truly do is send all the light and love and positive energy that I can and pray that God will lead them to wherever it is they are to go. It is this that has brought me to my mat, to practice in a not so conducive space and power through negative thinking. And I have my yoga practice, study and personal desire to thank for it.


So in my 2 week posting, my practice went as far as Parivrtta Trikonasana/Trikonasana B.

*I love that I was able to find a neutral picture of this pose.
I was soon post pics of myself in each pose to keep up and track my progress.

At the end of 3 weeks, my practice now includes Surya Namaskar A and B and all of the standing postures!

Surya Namaskar A (5 rounds)

Surya Namaskar B (5 rounds)

Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose)

Padahastasana (Hands-to-Feet Pose)

Utthita Trikonasana/Trikonasana A (Extended Triangle Pose)

Parivrtta Trikonasana/Trikonasana B

Utthita Parshvakonasana

Parivritta Parshvakonasana

Prasarita Padottanasana A

Prasarita Padottanasana B

Prasarita Padottanasana C

Prasarita Padottanasana D


Utthita Hasta Pandangushthasana (modified)

Utthita Parshvasahita (modified)

Utthita Hasta Pandangushthasana B (modified)

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (modified, I can get into half lotus and almost hold my big toe with the opposite arm, but I'm not ready to fold over yet)


Virabhadrasana A

Virabhadrasana B

Progression yes?!?! (can you tell that I'm excited about ashtanga and my practice)

I considered progressing through the primary series into the seated postures for my fourth week, but after taking a few moments to reflect and take inventory of my body,  I've decided to stay here for at least another week  before moving forward. I'm happy with that, very happy for some reason. I want to take this time to really dive deep into the poses I'm currently practicing and try to get them right, proper alignment and everything.

I'm enjoying my practice both physically and mentally, I can't really describe it but its bringing me joy in very subtle ways. Nothing major or transformational, but food tastes so much better, laughter is much more therapeutic, simple things such as dinner with family is so much sweeter. It's crazy but so awesome at the same time.

I can only imagine what will be in store for myself and my yoga practice in 2014.

I leave you with a few pics I took this week of my practice!

*The first posture in the closing sequence.
It is modified as I cannot get into padmasana just yet, but my head touches the ground!

*My current reverse Namaste. I had no idea
I could do this until a teacher said I could and just put me in it.
I've been practicing ever since.

*I created my little post it note so that others would not
disturb me during my practice...commitment.


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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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