"Write and All Is Coming"

"Practice and all is coming."
                    -Sri K Pattabhi Jois

"Write and all is coming."
               -Aspiring Ashtangi ;-)

As I was walking this evening, I had a lot on my mind which is not unusual, but this evening was different. There was a slight heaviness on my heart, soul and mind. Thoughts were continuing passing by until a voice simply said, "Write and all is coming." My immediate thoughts went to the message behind one of Sri K Pattabhi Jois's most famous and inspiring quotes (you should know which one that is ;-). Simple and yet so profound. But why write in the place of practice? You may be wondering...

Well, I'm currently finishing up my second semester of graduate school and I'm struggling to write my thesis. It scares, intimidates me and is so unattractive. I just don't want to do it. I have no passion, no energy to write. I'd much rather be reading commentaries on the Yoga Sutras or reading spiritual memoirs or novels about yoga or blogging or actually practicing my asanas or cooking amazing veggie dishes or taking yoga teacher training courses or just walk around outside breathing in fresh air and connecting with nature. Writing a thesis is not my dream, its not even an interest anymore. But since I've started this program, I must finish and now I'm faced with writing the next chapter of my thesis and I just don't want to...it's just seems like too much how in the world am I supposed to finish this in 2 months?!?!?!....these were the thoughts running through my head...

..."write and all is coming"...

I just have to keep writing. Just like in developing an asana practice...you just have to get on a mat and keep getting on it...And as you continue to practice everything will fall into place...things will begin to happen...and those times when you thought you would never get into sirsasana (headstand) or bakasana (crow pose) will have seemed like a distant memory because you kept practicing...

I'm telling myself the same thing with my thesis..."write and all is coming"...as long as I continue to write, even if its not in 2 months like planned, I will finish and then I will have the time to do everything that I love...to live out my dreams and truly develop inner peace...and the days when I dreaded sitting in front of my computer or pressing the send button to email my thesis chapters to my thesis chair will have been more than a faint memory but they will be moments that will make me laugh at myself, laugh at how worried I was about not being capable of finishing it and I will smile with joy and confidence...

..."write and all is coming"...


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Vegetarian. Dedicated. Passionate. Loving.Baylor Graduate. Former ex-pat of Thailand :-) Currently a Graduate Student at the University of Wyoming. From the Good Ole state of Texas. Making my next moves in life. Open to suggestions.

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